The Buddha, 39th and Main


Eyes closed, breath in gentle waves,

his hands rest on knees

raised from the sidewalk

on cement-dusted boots.


In jangles of humanness, salty and ripe,

quiet panics, sudden shouts,

heat brushes off the street in puffs—

he is cool stillness.


Wrist watches gandered and tapped,

feet click pavement, shuffle in the heat—

Detached from desire, suffering ends.

The concrete is warm, the bus has come.

Published by

Patrick Dobson

Patrick Dobson was founded in 1962. He is a writer, scholar, ironworker, and poet who lives in Kansas City, MO. He is author of two books with the University of Nebraska Press, Seldom Seen: A Journey into the Great Plains (2009) and Canoeing the Great Plains: A Missouri River Summer (May 2015). Dobson is a work in progress until termination.

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